Public worship has now resumed following the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.
11.00 a.m. Parish Mass with Junior Church (our Sunday School - during term-time). Tea & coffee served in the Community Hall after Mass.
Our Sunday Parish Mass is at the heart of our life together. People of all ages and backgrounds enjoy a modern celebration of the Mass. It lasts about an hour and includes lots of singing. Incense is used. There is an All Age Parish Mass, usually on the 3rd Sunday of each month. On those Sundays there is no Junior Church. AT THE MOMENT, WE'RE NOT ABLE TO HAVE REFRESHMENTS AFTER MASS.
Tuesdays at 6.30 p.m. Mass (with Rosary Prayers at 6.15 p.m.)
Thursdays at 12.30 p.m. Mass
Saturdays at 12.00 Noon : Mass
The weekday Masses offer opportunities to gather in a smaller group for worship and fellowship.
Special services take place at Christmas, during Holy Week and Easter, and at other times. Our celebration of St Silas' Day is a great occasion and we have an annual Memorial Service for the recently bereaved. Other Feast Days and celebrations take place as announced.
11.00 a.m. Parish Mass with Junior Church (our Sunday School - during term-time). Tea & coffee served in the Community Hall after Mass.
Our Sunday Parish Mass is at the heart of our life together. People of all ages and backgrounds enjoy a modern celebration of the Mass. It lasts about an hour and includes lots of singing. Incense is used. There is an All Age Parish Mass, usually on the 3rd Sunday of each month. On those Sundays there is no Junior Church. AT THE MOMENT, WE'RE NOT ABLE TO HAVE REFRESHMENTS AFTER MASS.
Tuesdays at 6.30 p.m. Mass (with Rosary Prayers at 6.15 p.m.)
Thursdays at 12.30 p.m. Mass
Saturdays at 12.00 Noon : Mass
The weekday Masses offer opportunities to gather in a smaller group for worship and fellowship.
Special services take place at Christmas, during Holy Week and Easter, and at other times. Our celebration of St Silas' Day is a great occasion and we have an annual Memorial Service for the recently bereaved. Other Feast Days and celebrations take place as announced.